Deadline: April 15, 2025
Eligibility: Rising 10-12th grade students who attend a Florida high school or are home educated.
Submission: To register and submit a contest entry, please complete the form below. For questions, please email
On July 4th, 2026, we will celebrate the 250th anniversary of the United States of America. The American semi quincentennial will inspire patriotism, educate Americans about first principles in the declaration of Independence and U.S. constitution, spark civic agreement and volunteerism, and make a lasting impact for generations to come.
At New College of Florida, we take the commitment to civics education seriously. That’s why we’re reaching out to Florida students with an invitation to enter our first civics writing contest.
The rules are simple. Pick your favorite line in the Declaration of Independence, or provision in the U.S. Constitution or Bill of Rights. Tell us why your choice was important when these documents were ratified and why it remains important today. Does it have relevance in securing our liberty in the future?
We look forward to your entry!
Prizes: Judges will select first, second, and third-prize winners in each genre as well as finalists.
First Prize: $600
Second Prize: $300
Third Prize: $100
Five Finalists: $50 each
All qualifying entrants will be invited to participate in a Civics camp on the New college campus from June 22-27,2015.
Winners and finalists will have their work collected and published.
In addition, winners and finalists are eligible for full- and partial-tuition undergraduate New College scholarships. Winners who apply, are admitted, and enroll at New College will receive a full-tuition scholarship. Finalists who apply, are admitted, and enroll at New College will receive a 50% tuition scholarship.
Submission Guidelines/Process:
Students do not need to have taken, and need not be enrolled, in any particular courses to enter the contest.
Contest entries must be written in English.
Submissions must be in .doc, .docx, .pdf, or .rtf format and contain a cover page with the student’s name, date of birth, high school, and submission genre. Google Docs are not accepted.